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Necessary conversation between the public/private sectors
The alliance brings together, for the first time, worldwide leaders of various public and private sectors committed to a vibrant IP ecosystem, economic prosperity, and social well-being through the use of the intellectual property. It is a unique networking space.
To enhance collaboration across the innovation ecosystem
Our stakeholders bring diverse perspectives and engage in collaborative endeavors to increase society’s understanding of what IP is, why it is important, and how everyone can use it to transform their ideas into realities that improve peoples’ lives.
We work with a global, regional and in-country perspective
The alliance is working through regional alliances that are driving efforts on the ground in participant countries. We are not a trade group, and our only goal is to be the voice of the citizens in the IP ecosystem. We do not advocate policy issues on behalf of any specific economic sector.
What we do in GLIPA?
GLIPA believes that the future of civilization is counting on intellectual property for its future wants and needs (vaccines for future pandemics, innovations for a greener world etc). Therefore, everyone involved in intellectual property (IP) should work together to raise awareness, education, collaboration, diversity and inclusion to help ensure the best ideas get from people's heads into people's hands as soon as possible. GLIPA believes this can be accomplished together.
There are many organizations around the world doing great intellectual property work and helping a lot of people. GLIPA seeks to amplify their great work and voice (social media, emails, conferences, and more) so that more people are aware, can participate, and benefit from them.
Many organizations worldwide are excelling in (intellectual property) efforts, making a meaningful difference and providing valuable assistance to people. However, there is no simple way to find all of them, as well their great programs, events, and people. GLIPA seeks to simplify this by being the movement and the community to find all of this for everyone's IP needs.

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