Necessary conversation between the public/private sectors
The alliance brings together, for the first time, worldwide leaders of various public and private sectors committed to a vibrant IP ecosystem, economic prosperity and social well-being through the use of intellectual property. It is a unique networking space.
To enhance collaboration across the innovation ecosystem
Our stakeholders (creators, enablers, protectors among others) bring diverse perspectives and engage in collaborative endeavors to increase society’s understanding of what IP is, why it is important, and how everyone can use it to transform their ideas into realities that improve peoples’ lives.
We work with a global, regional, and in-country perspective
The alliance is working through regional alliances that are driving efforts on the ground in participant countries. We are not a trade group, and our only goal is to be the voice of the citizens in the IP ecosystem. We do not advocate policy issues on behalf of any specific economic sector.
Our Partners
We have signed Memorandum of understanding (MoUs) with the following organizations
WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information, and cooperation. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations.
ABPI is the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association, focusing on the development of IP law and practice in Brazil.
ACPI is the French association of intellectual property professionals specializing in patents, trademarks, and industrial design.
The Argentine Association of Industrial Property Agents (AAAPI) is a non-profit entity, whose main objective is to strengthen and promote the defense of Industrial Property rights in the country, maintaining high ethical and professional standards among its partners.
FICPI is an international federation representing IP attorneys in private practice, focused on the development of a strong and globally balanced IP system.
Trampoline Network
Trampoline is a network that connects founders, investors, and tech professionals to support startup growth and collaboration.
Dirección Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual (DINAPI), Paraguay IP Office, is a public, autonomous and self-sufficient entity that designs, implements, promotes and coordinates Intellectual Property policies.
Galaxea Foundation
Galaxea Foundation is a Brazilian Organization dedicated to promoting knowledge on key societal issues.
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Prices mentioned above are for per calendar year
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Once a Founder, Always a Founder®
Platinum Donor Founders
AT&T | GreyB Service | Licks Attorneys | Sanyu IP | Scott Frank
Gold Donor Founders
Crowell | Sugimura & Partners | Tencent | TT Consultants & xlscout | Yuhong IP
Silver Donor Founders
Nixon Peabody | Olarte Moure | Martin Michaus
Bronze Donor Founders
Legal Advantage
Catalyst Donor Founders
Christian de Lespinasse | CorralRosales | Henry Wheare | Jay Erstling | Josh Pond | Louis Pierre Gravelle | Shailendra Bhandare
*Founding Level status is based on actual donations received rather than pledged.
Updated September 19, 2024
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Any person or organization contributing $100 or more will receive Founder recognition.
(The opportunity to become a lifetime founder is for a limited time.)
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*Current Founders to be listed on the GLIPA Home Page
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