A contribution effort to education and awareness on IP on a global scale.
A rich repository from highly reputed institutions around the world, covering all aspects of intellectual property for a comprehensive learning experience from beginner to advanced level. We hope you find it useful!
If you’ve any questions or comments, please email us at communications@glipa.org.
IP E-Learning Programs for African region
If you want to improve your understanding & appreciation of IP in Africa, this site is for you.
It brings broad educational content covering Africa's foundational and detailed filing and prosecution topics.
European Union Intellectual Property Office & EPO Resources
European Union Intellectual Property Office and European Patent Office jointly developed a resource covering…
The Michelson Institute for Intellectual Property Resource Hub
Michelson’s IP Resource Hub provides a digital suite of free resources, including…
USPTO Learning Resources for kids, parents & educators
The Office of Education of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) provides educational and outreach programming for students, educators, young…
Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)
Curriculum and teacher training to ignite the entrepreneurial mindset that empower all students to own their futures.
National Inventors Hall of Fame® Intellectual Property Blog
The intellectual property (IP) blog series from the National Inventors Hall of Fame® introduces IP concepts to the general public through engaging and relatable stories. Topics include patents, trademarks, copyrights, brands, and entrepreneurship.
Camp Invention
Camp Invention® is the nationally acclaimed STEM summer camp from the National Inventors Hall of Fame®, providing STEM curricula that engage and empower K-6 students.
InventRight Free Resources Hub
Learn how to license your ideas by accessing inventRight’s collection of free educational resources…
Bee the Inventor
"Bee" the Inventor is a 10-page STEAM activity book that teaches kids about invention through the role that leafcutter bees hold in the environment.
The InvenTeam initiative has worked with 2,900 students across the U.S. to invent technological solutions to real-world problems.
JV InvenTeams Curriculum
JV InvenTeams activity guides support hands-on learning and teach students the role invention plays in making everyday products
Inventor Handbook
A handbook for an inventor's most frequently asked questions by Lemelson- MIT
Crash Course Intellectual Property
In this course, you'll learn about Copyright, Patents, and Trademarks, and how they impact your life and shape the things you see, read, hear, and use in your daily life