A contribution effort to education and awareness on IP on a global scale.
A rich repository from highly reputed institutions around the world, covering all aspects of intellectual property for a comprehensive learning experience from beginner to advanced level. We hope you find it useful!
If you’ve any questions or comments, please email us at communications@glipa.org.
WIPOD – Make IP Your Business
Podcast from business experts, entrepreneurs and industry professionals, and get inspired on IP
Guides: Intellectual Property for Business
These guides are designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) especially to understand why it is important to pay attention to IP, and what benefits can be drawn from its use.
WIPO IP Diagnostics for SMEs
Intellectual property (IP) self-assessment tool that helps businesses identify their IP assets
IP eLearning modules
These modules cover all areas of intellectual property protection which include trade secrets, patents, copyrights, trademarks, geographical indications, enforcement and trade.
Inventor Handbook
A training opportunity designed to support elementary, middle, and high school teachers to increase their knowledge on IP.
USPTO's National Summer Teacher Institute
Materials designed to support elementary, middle, and high school teachers on IP teaching.
Invention Education resources for Parents and Teachers of K-12 students
Materials to teach school students everything related to intellectual property.
Invention Education resources for K-12 students, separated by age groups
Materials to teach school students everything related to intellectual property.
Basics of Intellectual Property Video Series
A video that explains the basics of Intellectual Property .
How to search for Japanese patents on JPO database using English keywords
Video on how to search for Japanese patents on JPO database using English keywords.
Managing a patent
This course describes patent rights, factors when managing your patent after it’s issued, and how a patent can be infringed.
How IP helps to secure your business investment
Webinar to understand how Intellectual property rights are important tools for getting a business competitive advantage.
Business Guides (IP focused)
Different business guide with great information to manage and commercialize IP rights.