A contribution effort to education and awareness on IP on a global scale.

A rich repository from highly reputed institutions around the world, covering all aspects of intellectual property for a comprehensive learning experience from beginner to advanced level. We hope you find it useful!

If you’ve any questions or comments, please email us at communications@glipa.org.

MIT Shabaz Khan MIT Shabaz Khan

Bee the Inventor

"Bee" the Inventor is a 10-page STEAM activity book that teaches kids about invention through the role that leafcutter bees hold in the environment.


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MIT Shabaz Khan MIT Shabaz Khan


The InvenTeam initiative has worked with 2,900 students across the U.S. to invent technological solutions to real-world problems.


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MIT Shabaz Khan MIT Shabaz Khan

JV InvenTeams Curriculum

JV InvenTeams activity guides support hands-on learning and teach students the role invention plays in making everyday products


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USPTO Shabaz Khan USPTO Shabaz Khan

Managing a patent

This course describes patent rights, factors when managing your patent after it’s issued, and how a patent can be infringed.


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