Future Forward: Pioneering IP Strategies for a Sustainable World

Today, we kicked off our participation in the ABPI Congress with an inspiring workshop titled "Future Forward: Pioneering IP Strategies for a Sustainable World." The event was co-hosted with ABPI, with opening remarks by Mr. Edward Kwakwa (WIPO), where he highlighted the pivotal role IP play in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Moderated by our Executive Director Maria Fernanda Hurtado, the session brought together thought leaders such as Gonzalo Rovira -GLIPA, Martin Torres, Agustina Fernandez Giambruno - AUDAPI, Fernanda Magalhães ABPI, Luana Muniz de Barros - AIJA, and Cristian Barros - ACHIPI. Each shared their organization's incredible work in implementing the SDG agenda and advancing global sustainability.

Together, we are setting the stage for impactful collaborations that will help shape a more sustainable future through innovation and IP.

Thanks to Erika Diniz Silla Carvalho (ABPI) and Gabriel Leonardos (ABPI president) for their unwavering support and cooperative spirit. We look forward to continuing this partnership and working together to achieve our shared objectives.

#IPForSustainability #SDGs #ABPICongress #GLIPA #Collaboration #IntellectualProperty


Global IP Conference 2024


Geneva Stakeholder Dialogue